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Arizona Locksmith in Tolleson, Arizona- Why Deadbolts are Good for Homeowners

Are you worried about the safety of your home and family? Perhaps you have been looking at different types of locks that you can install in your home. Are you looking for a lock that is very effective but also affordable and can fit in just about any budget? You have come to the perfect place- Arizona Locksmith in Tolleson, Arizona.

Not many people know a whole lot about a deadbolt other than it goes on the door to add extra security. To offer more detail, it is a type of lock that can be placed on your door. A deadbolt is a very good lock to have. Not only will it help to keep you safe, but it is much more difficult for intruders to access your home once you have fastened this bolt.

Although each type of deadbolt is just as effective as the other, you can open or lock them by several methods and they may be installed at different positions. Each type of deadbolt also has its own set of advantages and may be more appropriate for certain situations in comparison to another.

How does a deadbolt work?

What exactly is a deadbolt? Yes, it protects your home and yes, it is installed on a door. But do you know what it looks like or how it works? If you don’t, you need to keep reading.

A deadbolt is basically a lock that has a steel bolt that protrude into the door jam. Other features of the lock may change but this feature is what characterizes a deadbolt. While some versions of the deadbolt require a key, there are many types that do not need a key to be opened.

Types of deadbolts

All deadbolts do not look the same. Some of them are even designed to be installed differently. Your reason for choosing a deadbolt should be primarily based on where you want to install it and why. It is not wise to purchase a deadbolt to do something that it is not designed to do. Here are the 7 types of deadbolts that you can purchase for your door.

  1. Single Cylinder Deadbolt

    If you have a deadbolt, it is probably this one. This is the most common types of deadbolt that is used nowadays. It is installed on the inside of a door and it has a knob in the interior that you use to open and close the latch.

  2. Keyless Deadbolt

    This is a more modern and high-tech type of deadbolt. Although it is also mounted on the inner side of a door, it has an additional feature where you must enter a pin code for it to be opened. You can change this combination as often as you wish and you won’t have to worry about losing your keys or having them stolen.

  3. Double Cylinder Deadbolt

    Similar to the single deadbolt, this lock is mounted internally. What makes them different? Well for this deadbolt, you always need a key to open the lock. It doesn’t matter if you are inside or outside the door. Of course, this provides added security since you don’t have to worry about a burglar breaking a nearby glass and just twisting the deadbolt to get it open.

  4. Digital Deadbolt

    This is very similar to the deadbolt except that it has a digital keypad that opens the lock. It usually requires batteries or an electric current to work. It is basically an upgraded version to the keyless deadbolt.

  5. Vertical Deadbolt

    This type of deadbolt is generally placed at the top or bottom of a door. It helps to prevent the door from being pried open and it is very easy to be installed. If you install this deadbolt at the base of the door, it means that you will have to drill a hole in the floor so the bolt can get inside.

  6. Mortise Deadbolt

    This is a much older type of deadbolt. Although it is quite strong, it requires a hole in the door in order for it to be installed. Many persons do not like to use this lock because it does not tend to be very appealing to the eye.

  7. Rim Deadbolt

    Just as with all the other deadbolts, this lock must be installed on the inner side of the door. It is quite convenient since it locks automatically whenever you close the door. However, it means that you can easily get locked out if you don’t have a key.


So, now that you know the different types of deadbolts, you may be wondering why you need to have any of these locks installed in your home. Well, there are many reasons why a deadbolt may be advantageous. Here are just a few.

  1. It provides very good protection for your property. No matter where you place a deadbolt, it will be extremely challenging for an intruder to bypass it. In fact, deadbolts are one of the most reliable locks that you can use. They offer a lot of protection for your property.
  2. They are not usually very expensive when compared to other types of locks. Instead of spending a fortune on locks that offer additional protection for your home, you can invest in a simple deadbolt that may be much more effective in protecting your property.
  3. It can help to protect the doorframe if a burglar attempts to break in your door. How does it do this? Well, because of how it is installed, a deadbolt can offer a lot of support to your door frame. One of the best types to do this is the vertical deadbolt. Based on how it is installed, it will be extremely difficult for an intruder to separate the door from the door frame if it is kicked in.

There are many lock options to choose from when it comes on to protecting your home. Before you select a lock, ensure that it will serve the purpose for which it is needed. If you are unsure about which lock to use, Arizona Locksmith in Tolleson, Arizona can help you to make the right decision.